What are you expecting this year?
Last year was well, uh yeah. 2021 it has to be better right?
Take a look at some thoughts about how you can make sure it is a good year.
Help for 2021
Want to use the message library on Controlling the Voices in your Head, click over to our special YouTube play list.
There are six different episodes to help you get spiritually, emotionally and mentally healthy.
(You should probably subscribe when you get there so you can continue to get fresh content)
Did you miss the message Going After You? Check it right out now.
Connecting Ideas
* Want to read the Bible more this year - Check out some options, there are some resources in the notes below the video HERE
* Want to connect to a group - Explore and get more INFO
* Want to connect by contributing as part of our Prayer Team or Care Team click the link
Can you do me a favor? If this was helpful to you hit the share icon below and share this on your social media feed. There is a good chance if it was helpful to you it will be helpful to the people you know!
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Finally, check our our YouTube channel for great videos designed to help you move forward