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Writer's pictureBrett

Simply Christmas

So what are you doing for Christmas this year? I have heard lots of stories already. People going out of town, people hunkering down before Christmas and trying not to go anywhere so they don't run the risk of the virus before they gather with the family. Some have little or no plans. Small families, people who aren't traveling, or at risk loved ones means an uneventful Christmas.

As kid Christmas was the highlight of my year. We had THREE Christmas celebrations. One on Christmas Eve after church with my grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins on my dad's side. Then my immediate family celebrated on Christmas morning and finally we went to Grandma's with aunt uncle and cousins on my mom's side. It was incredible.

Most of December revolved around Christmas. My church had a Hanging of the Greens (no we didn't hang the Green family, just a name for a pre-Christmas service) in early December. We decorated the sanctuary with pine boughs and sang Christmas songs. At school, we always had a Christmas concert with songs about Jesus for the parents and then on the last day of school a Christmas party...not a winter break party, a Christmas party. It was a public school!

One year my church had an advent calendar with each day being written by a member of our church. It made me feel closer to everyone to know what Christmas meant to them. For me, from the ages of 5-15 there was no better time than Christmas.

What are your favorite Christmas memories? Write them in the comments below.

Things are different now. Growing up changes Christmas in good and bad ways. The world has changed Christmas this year too. Different isn't bad, but we aren't going back because things are different.

It could be for the best. My hope is you and those around you take a long look at Christmas this year. For its beauty and simplicity. If you haven't done that yet, maybe we can help. Our Simply Christmas series is doing just that. We want this Christmas to be meaningful for you this year. You can check out the first Episode of Simply Christmas now, the second and third episode will drop soon.

I hope Christmas is more than a holiday or tradition for you. This year has clarified what is important and I can't think of anything more important than the Arrival of Christ. It isn't a one time event, it is a life defining daily reality impacting what I do today and how I think about tomorrow.

Join us for Christmas Eve. Like everything else it will be different. You can join us online or in person on the 24th.

Can you help us by registering? This will allow us to make sure we have seats reserved for you or make sure you have the correct link to stream the service online.

To make your Christmas Eve arrangements go to

We have two in person service times and 12 online options! I am sure one of these will work for you.

BEFORE you reserve your seat or get you link. Do you know someone who needs to hear what Christmas is all about? A friend, a neighbor a family member, invite them...they can attend with you, you can watch online together or they can make their own arrangements to watch the service but your invitation could be the difference.

I invited several of my neighbors to watch because there will never be an easier opportunity for them to hear about Jesus. They don't have to rearrange their plans, get dressed up or be in crowd. They can simply jump online and hear how Jesus has come to meet their deepest need and solve their biggest problem.

Your invitation may be the beginning of their most treasured Christmas memory.

Merry Christmas!!


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