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Thanksgiving, Christmas, the virus and the Space in Between

Writer's picture: BrettBrett

Updated: Dec 7, 2020

I admit this is a strange title. I thought about calling it Happy Thanksmas as Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to get rammed together more and more every year.

Any other year, this article would be ignored. We know what we are doing, right?

We know how to do a bunch, watch football, hang out with family and avoid the people that might ruin the day. Later eat more pie and talk about what we are doing for Christmas.

Christmas is easy too. Listen to the music and eat sweets all month, do a bunch of shopping (or clicking) and jam up the calendar with parties, get togethers, church services and celebrations. Oh, yeah pretend to work and give your best at school, but we all know most of us are mailing it in anyway. Once Christmas is over we all sit back and wonder how everything went by so fast.

We also know how to do the virus too unfortunately. No matter what you thoughts are on the virus, masks, and vaccines just about everybody has been forced to do some adapting. I know my life is very different than it was a year ago. One description I would use is, things are slower paced. There is still work to do, but it feels like the world has slowed down.

What happens when all these things collide?

I wouldn't begin to predict how things will go in 2021. Here is what I do know, we have a unique opportunity. The virus has forced us to rethink parts of our lives.

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. The real power of Thanksgiving is in giving thanks, though pie is a close second!

It is amazing what happens when give thanks to God for who He is and what He has done. A basic Thanksgiving gave you more time.

Monty Patton shared a great message with us the Sunday after Thanksgiving with a powerful strategy for how to finish 2020, since you have more time give it a watch if you missed it.

I also took some time to talk about how giving thanks has changed my relationships. If you have 6 minutes it is worth the time. You can check that out as well.

Have you thought about Christmas yet? I would think so based on all the decorations I see and the Christmas cards we have already received in the mail.

Christmas will be different this year, it is the the perfect year for a simple Christmas. Instead of going all out, filling up the calendar with activities and experiences, Christmas can be straightforward and stand on its own.

There will still be music, food and gifts but keeping it simple and connecting with your family and close friends sounds like a great option. When things are simplified it is easier to see their importance.

We are giving free Christmas boxes to any family that wants one. The box is not just for kids or for large families. It is for anyone who wants to make Christmas meaningful and realizes simple is actually good. We hope it helps you bring all the meaning and significance of Christmas to your family.

You can reserve a box here if you like Christmas in a Box.

A simple Christmas will shine a light on the why of Christmas. At it’s core Christmas is the promised arrival of Jesus the one that solves THE problem and gives us a fresh start we need.

Yah, this year was/is different (by the way aren't you tired of hearing that?).

What are you going to do with the space in between Thanksgiving and Christmas this time around? Can I give you two suggestions:

1) Choose the good. Don't spend time thinking about all the cant's, don'ts and wont's. All it does is create a sadness and bitterness that mucks up your heart and pollutes your relationships. God is good, He has lavished good gifts on you. Choose to focus on the good.

I once had a boss who said "I won't pay anybody for a bad attitude, I can get that for free!" Isn't that the truth? It is common to find people who will complain, stamp their foot and moan and groan. BE UNCOMMON, choose the good God has given.

2) Celebrate with a Purpose. You will likely not be nearly as rushed this Christmas. Take the time to give thanks, to revel in hope and joy, to drink in to the very last drop all of God's lavish love for you and celebrate what means the most. Less Christmas stuff makes room for more Christmas substance!

Colossians 3:1-4 was written for a time like this. It is a perfect help at Christmas, not just this year but every year.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

The virus is ugly and tragic, but it has amplified the space in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Maybe that at least isn't a bad thing after all.

P.S. Can you do me a favor? If this was helpful to you hit the share icon below and share this on your social media feed. There is a good chance if it was helpful to you it will be helpful to the people you know!


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